This week´s reading reflection has touched my heart, and it’s very sad to realize that we live in a society that values, freedom and respect for the rights of life are being trampled. This class is giving me the opportunity to learn more about situations that sometimes we only know the superficial, but we do not know how serious and difficult it can be, experiences of abuse, discrimination in all areas of life that occur around the world. The reading ¨ A Birth Story¨ was the saddest for me, when a mother is in labor, what she most needs to receive from doctors is support and security. But in this case, the treatment they offered LéConte was with contempt, judging her by her race, where she felt that as a person, she had no vote, ¨invisible and disrespected¨. I really did not know about obstetric racism, but it is very disappointing that it exists, because the medical field is there to help lives that need it, and despite what she had to go through at the end of the day she had a good result that was her daughter. I hope this experience reaches many people and we can fight against medical oppression. The change in society depends on us.
Arielly Vargas, Reflection 11
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