Discussion Board 9

My understanding of liberated women from Pat Mainardi, “The Politics of Homework” is that they were women who did whatever they wanted to. They showed skin and wore tight clothing that showed their cleavage. These women have sex before they are married, live with their significant other for years. They have a lot of sex and have careers that they chose to pursue. A career they desired for themselves and worked hard to obtain. Liberated women do as they please and answer to no man. This doesn’t make them less of a woman but an empowered woman who makes her own choices. Women who don’t have husbands to take care of or be the soul provider for them. These women don’t have to cry at night laying next to their husband because they want more for themselves than being a housewife. In “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm” by AnneKoedt, explains the concept of how a woman achieves an orgasm. I feel that in the sexual society men were the ones getting pleased and felt full satisfaction during sexual incourse. What many men are not aware of is that women don’t achieve an orgasm from penetration but from the clitrous. Women who receive orgasms from men are liberated for the simple fact that they are being satisfied too, not just men. I don’t fully understand “Women’s liberation” however, I think it was women who were wives and lived with their husbands. They had the same housework as anybody else did, but the husband shares the housework with his wife. The woman in the reading teaches the man to complete house tasks. Tasks that men don’t even think about because when they were growing up, their mom would do all the housework. Now becoming a man living with a woman, they must figure out how to maintain a well kept home. “The politics of Homework” shows that the personal is political. The author says, “American men are not accustomed to doing monotonous, repetitive work…Which is why they would rather repair a cabinet than wash dishes” stating men in politics don’t do this over and over. She goes on to say, “that the oldest form of oppression in history has been the oppression of 50 percent of the population by the other 50 percent.” women have battled with oppression, personality and politics. From not being able to vote to doing all the “shitwork” at home. America described what a women’s role should be in society just like how they decided black people’s roles were. When a family sends their son off to war, it is no shock that the mother feels a greater sense of grief because she nourished him to the man he is today. While the father feels proud and brags about his son’s heroic choice to go into the fight for their country to his guy friends. Oppression is sometimes personal as they are political.

One thought on “Discussion Board 9

  1. Amirah Avila

    I like how you mentioned that men act entitled because of how they were raised. When a boy sees that his mother is responsible for all the housework, it’s engraved in their minds that that is a womens role. Liberal women are inspiring for womens liberation because they are helping us progress in my opinion. They are breaking traditional roles and not allowing a man to decide who does what In their relationship. The personal has been political for generations but many women have fell into the belief that oppressive gender roles is the way a relationship should be structured.

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