Dariany delrosario Discussion 8

The two videos were very powerful and emotionally striking that really highlight the injustice in our workplace. The videos generally entail how history continues to repeat itself and the conditions have rarely changed in these sweatshops. The workers at these sweatshops suffer extremely unfair working conditions for horrific wages. They are not allowed to congregate to fight against the conditions they suffer under. The 1911 Triangle Factory fire consisted of workers exhausting themselves for ten to eleven hours a day and then losing their lives being crushed to death trying to crawl out of the factory when a fire occurred. Others died falling out of a window after throwing themselves so as to avoid dying by being burned by the flames of the fire. You would think that we would learn from this, but the second video entails workers in Bangladesh undergoing the same tragedy and then later on being beaten by police officers for protesting for raises and better working conditions. These issues go hand in hand with the assigned article on the Equal Rights Amendment, which would potentially provide a basis for an expansion on the understanding of discrimination on the basic of sex and would expand women’s rights furthermore on the constitutional level. These labor rights issues apply to all genders, who may be faced with unfair working conditions as those set up in these sweatshops and could then open the path for legal consequences (which were not faced by the owners of the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire) and owners of any sort of unfair business that exploits their employees. It is surprising to see that the article is dated in 2020, when Virginia became the 38th state to pass the amendment and to then realize that there are still states that have not ratified this amendment. It seems almost as common sense or very direct to know that protection like this is needed in our communities and you wold think this would be an unanimous decision where all would vote in favor expanding through the nation. We can still see the inequality in today’s workforce where women are generally underpaid, across a spectrum of multiple fields, when compared to men. The United States also still utilizes these third world countries to pay for cheaper labor and maximize profits for their goods. Upon further research, I found that these sweatshops do not only exist in third-world countries but are actually among us in the United States as well.

2 thoughts on “Dariany delrosario Discussion 8

  1. Dashira Del Rosario

    Hi Dariany,
    I agree even now in days you still see inequality in workforce. There’s favoritism there’s also racism not as much as back in the day. There are many sweatshops we are not aware are in the united States its not just on the other side of the world it’s also here.

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