Jazmine Hernandez- discussion 4

I feel like privilege is something given to us without having to go through the obstacles and earning actually earning it. It’s something that many people have and don’t deserve and it’s also what many people don’t have and do deserve it. Privilege is a benefit that many people take for granted and some actually take advantage of (if that makes sense). It bizarre that privilege is defined by the color of our skin, when in fact we are human yet unique in our own ways. Peggy went in depth about white privilege as a white women herself with these benefits. She mentioned that white people don’t believe themselves as oppressors. We need to understand our privileges and take advantage of what we do have no matter the color, race, or religion. A privilege i would say I have is definitely having good education. My parents did the best they could to support 4 of us from the roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on the table, which a lot of people may not have any of these things. Which always reminds me to be grateful for what I do have now and not what I wish I had. 

In the reading “Oppression” by Frye, I feel she made good points. For example, she went and mentioned on how from childhood to men not to cry because it makes them masculine or weak. I understand now that oppression really does exist in our society and being catagorized by who we are and what we choose to be whether that’s by our color, ethnicity, and gender. Oppression is exertion of power and or control by a group or individual of power to those who don’t. 

5 thoughts on “Jazmine Hernandez- discussion 4

  1. Victoria Moros

    I completely agree with “It bizarre that privilege is defined by the color of our skin, when in fact we are human yet unique in our own ways.”. I think privilege is ridiculous and it shouldn’t be used politically. Of course in the understanding of advocating only for equal rights for all. building a system beyond the white lens.

  2. Tanya Ozorio

    Hi Jazmine!
    I agree with what you said about privilege people having it and don’t deserve it and people that don’t have it that actually deserve it. I still can’t believe that we’re living times like this. Its disgusting,

  3. sheena sanchez

    Hi Jazmine, you made valid points, and I agree we should all have the same privilege, but some people have more than others, mainly white people. Many of them try to use it for good, while others use it to damage others. Hopefully, this soon comes to an end.

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