Melanie Velez Reflection 2

I absolutely loved the reading that was assigned this week Beyond The Gender Binary written by Alok. This book gives an insight on the non-binary perspective. Usually we see the non-binary experience explained by those who are non-binary or we usually see more documentaries about transgenders or gay people which are all very educating and interesting however this was the first time I read something that ones in a different type of perspective. Especially gave some insight on how it is on a day to day basis for non gender conforming people and how it is a danger for them to live their regular lives like others. After reading this it just shows how brave these people are for living their truths in a society that punishes anyone who is different and don’t fit the cookie cutter ideals. Everyone deserves respect and peace and the fact that as a society we are not making these conversations is actually really upsetting. I learned from this book how local , state and federal are all prohibiting basic human rights to these people just because of their lifestyles and we are not hearing it on the news. I love how this book dived in deeper on the topics of sex, gender, biology and gender expressions and learned new vocabulary. I also really enjoyed the videos that were optional to see they were really interesting and informative. They broaden more your ideas and include a wide range of different topics. It’s also another way to learn about gender in a more fun and modern way rather then just reading a textbook from cover page to back.

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