Ciara Cardona/discussion board 3

To move beyond the gender binary for Alok would basically refer to a man or woman not just having 2 options but rather having an immensity of options. It is about acknowledging the other choices we have around us. Putting people into a box is not really the right perspective. There has never been just one or the other and the controversy of pronouns proves that. Expressing ourselves in how we walk, dress or talk should not always suggest the person is automatically liking the same gender. We are stuck with the idea that depending on the gender you are, it would mean you need to be girly or considered weak if it is a female whereas, guys have to act masculine and strong willed. In my case, I am a tomboy female who also wants to dress as a girl in some ways. I am more comfortable being sporty but sometimes I am also really sensitive. I was always told I need to act like a lady and dress like a lady. People have told me I’m too loud or even I eat way too much for a girl. I’ve constantly been put down and have been attempted to be put in a bubble by other people. I’ve never felt comfortable with really dressing with more feminine clothes until recently. I have always been told that in the future I would like girls because of how masculine I was before. I never understood it at all because sometimes I just never really cared for my appearance which resulted in me dressing more masculine. I kind of tried to change how people perceived me but eventually I also let nature take its course. Eventually, I started to be comfortable in dressing girly but I also have not lost my roots so I would disagree with the fact of fitting the binary norm. I know that everyone has experienced the million questions because of how they dressed or acted even if it was one day but as you all know we have continued to expand on our differences. It might take a while but we are making progress so hang in there as we go through these times where we are put inside the box because one day we will escape and roam free with no judgment. Always remember we must not assume someone’s gender or sexuality in the way we perceive them. You can’t always tell if someone is gender binary or anything along those lines so respect them as you would anyone else.

2 thoughts on “Ciara Cardona/discussion board 3

  1. Melanie

    Hi Ciara,

    I agree with your take on the reading. We should all open our minds and change our perspectives with other people who are non-binary. It shows how this world is not just black and white thinking but instead there are more colors than that. This reading gives an insight into what it feels like to live as a non-binary person and I believe many people should read this and learn. Instead many people get angry because they think you’re trying to force them to become non-binary when that’s not the case at all! These communities are asking for something that no one should ever have to beg for..respect.

  2. Amirah Avila

    Hey Ciara, growing up, I went through similar experiences. Family members would tell me to dress and talk like a women. I went through a lot of misogny and anti feminism and it took a lot for me to realize they were wrong. Being masculine or feminine has nothing to do with what gender you’re assigned to. Not assuming someones gender is extremely important. They also deserve the same respect as anyone else. People tend to think they aren’t the same value as someone who identifies as women or man, but they are human just like them.

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