Student Zines

Student Zines

Faculty at BMCC are incorporating zine assignments into their courses, and the results have been incredible. Other students are creating zines as part of the BMCC Open Knowledge program. Here’s a small showcase of student work.

Are you a BMCC faculty member interested in zine assignments? Check out our Teaching Zines page for some resources!

SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

For their final assignment, students in Professor Mateo Sancho Cardiel‘s Introduction to Sociology created zines analyzing contemporary culture through the lens of sociological theory (and memes!).

Lucy Lackman, Snippets of Sociology: A Zine (Fall 2024)

Nikola’s Sociology Zine (Fall 2024)

Zoë Gomez, Sociology Zine, Chapter #3: Culture (Fall 2024)