Citing Zines
Found a zine you want to write about? Zines can be cited just like any other resource. Here we have information about how to cite in the major citation styles.

Works Cited
Last name, First name (or organization). “Title of Zine.” [Zine] Volume/Issue Number. City of publication. Year.
In-Text Citation (End of Sentence)
(Last name (or organization) pages referenced)
Works Cited
Last name, First name (or organization). Title of Zine. Zine. Volume/Issue Number. City of publication: Year.
In-Text Citation (Footnote)
First name Last name (or organization), Title of Zine. Zine. Volume/Issue Number (City of publication, Year), Pages referenced
Reference List
Last name, First initial (or organization). (Year). Title of zine (no capitalization except for first word and proper nouns) [Zine] Volume/Issue number
In-Text Citation (End of Sentence)
(Last name (or organization), Year, Pages referenced)