Pandemic from the Margins: Virtual Memorials Honoring College Students’ Lived Experiences of Covid in the U.S

Jill Strauss, Associate Professor

Speech, Communications and Theatre Arts

Type of Leave
Fellowship Award for Research
Full year starting Fall 2021

Project Description
The project is a collaboration with Rutgers University’s public history program and looks at how young people keep traces and memorialize the present they live in. Students designed and created augmented reality monuments and memorials during the height of the Covid pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests in spring and summer 2020. Augmented reality technology allows viewers to enhance their visual experience by superimposing a computer-generated image on the material world that appears to be in 3D. The augmented reality images will appear to be in 3D because MP4 recordings will be used. MP4 is a digital multimedia container format used to store video, audio, and text that can be streamed over the internet. This project is unusual in that it is not only about distance learning during a pandemic but also about furthering the use of technology as a pedagogical tool in humanities courses.

Also accomplished during my Fellowship Leave was the curation of the student created monuments in an online exhibition titled From Pandemic to Protest, We Remember hosted on the BMCC OpenLab and an essay about the project for a CETLS blog post.

From Pandemic to Protest, We Remember