Month: May 2021
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In Silico Discovery of Neutralizing Agents Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein

Early biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease

Improve Head Tracking for MR Cane – A Virtual Reality App to Learn Spatial Layout for the Visually Impaired

Developing a Mobile App to Improve Online Foreign Language Learning

Does Jamaica’s Participation in the International Monetary Fund Programs Help or Hinder the Realization of its Full Economic Potential?

The Fractal Dimension of Local Monarch Butterfly Wings

The impact of the U.S.-China trade war on U.S. imports and exports

COVID-19 Impact on Radiology Students’ Distance Learning

Design Virtual Reality Classroom

Chemical Exposure from Manufactured Gas Plants: Public Health Risks?

Liquid Gold: Recovered Energy Solutions from Urban Wastewater

Study of the top-quark coupling to the Z boson at the LHC