Author: Larissa Costa
Mentor: Dr. Ardebili
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Increasingly, 3D printing technology has become a great alternative for industries to develop products with lattice structure design which has lower cost since it promotes weight reduction, decreases the time of production, and the flexibility offered by this technique. These materials are anisotropic due to structural geometry and the additive nature of 3d-printed layers. During this study, the goal is to create a structured material that is lighter and stronger than the base material using a 3D printer, withstanding the impact of the projectile without major damage.
To create the material, we determined the model for the specimen, which would support the forces acting on it, increasing the resistance during the pressure. Tensile tests were performed with computer simulation on the model in order to determine conditions for the specimen to support the required loads and displacement. The results achieved are the basis for creating lattice structured materials that will have better properties compared to the base materials.

Shemaine James
Cool..This would be great for New york, there is always a building being built. This would help out alot in the cold , instead of having physical workers .