Project: Play Response Anthology

Project: Play Response Anthology

Hi THE 100 students! It is my pleasure to introduce our final class project. Building on our work exploring the creative process, we will be creating an anthology of responses to the play TBD (both the script and recorded performance). This anthology will be made publicly available on the internet, and I will be contacting the playwright to share the link to this anthology when it’s complete (If at any time you decide that you don’t want your response made public, please contact me).

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

1. Create a new work of art in response to your experience reading and watching TBD. Your response can take many forms. You can:

Perform a song
Write a poem
Make a drawing/painting
Make a collage
Write a monologue
Write a scene
Perform a dance
Make a music video
Anything else? contact me.

After you submit the play response, you will need to do two more things:

2. Comment on two other play responses in the anthology. In your comment, point out three creative choices made by the artist and their impact on you as the viewer.

3. Comment on your own play response with a detailed explanation of how you made your creative choices.

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