Description: N/A Process: N/A Tools: HTML CSS JavaScript Nunjucks YAML Eleventy Netlify Links: Netlify: N/A Images: N/A
Author: m-samuels
Malachi Samuels: Week 2 Journal
1. Divs are somewhat overused: The lectures this week helped me learn how to better structure a page in html, and that divs are not really the way to go about it. Divs should be used more in situations where you intend to add a specific style to a part of the page rather than… Continue reading Malachi Samuels: Week 2 Journal
Malachi Samuels
Hello. My name is Malachi Samuels (just Sam works) and I am a Multimedia Programming major completing my 3rd semester at BMCC. I had an interest web development since high school, but was always on the more primitive side of things and had a “functionality over aesthetic” attitude (and to some regard, I still do).… Continue reading Malachi Samuels