Sometimes you know that you want an image on your site but haven’t yet found the right image. To keep that place and let you continue with building the site, you can use a placeholder image.
They all work on the same basic idea: they provide the value for the src attribute of your image. For example:
<img src="paste-stuff-from-site-in-here" alt="make-this-up-yourself">
Usually the src includes the dimensions of the image you want to appear. The more fancy generators let you add text or specify info about the image. Here are some sites that provide them for you for free.
Generic Image
These are usually a solid color with optional text or just the image size shown.
Random Images
These site place actual images on your page. Usually randomly taken from a site like Flickr. Often they let you choose the category of image.
Articles with Lists of Generators
Many of these have links to specialty generators that give you images of something specific like bears or Nicholas Cage or people with beards.
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