Class 2: 09/5/2019
Today we are going to get more practical with HTML and practice writing it. We will also talk about learning science, start discussing responsive design and layout and take a short practice quiz.
HTML Refresher
The presentation on HTML from last week can be found here:
Periodic Table of HTML Elements
This is a quick reference you can use to help remember the elements
HTML Sample Quiz
We are going to take a short practice quiz. Go to Blackboard and Assignments and complete HTML Practice Quiz 1
Learning Science: Retrieval and Spacing
In this class we will learn more about the science behind how people learn and remember. There will be 6 main concepts we will cover:
- Retrieval Practice
- Spaced Practice
- Interleaving
- Dual Coding
- Elaborative Interrogation
- Concrete Examples
Today we are going to talk briefly about two of them: Spaced Practice and Retrieval Practice. You have actually already started trying them.
This web site will be one source of information for us: They have downloadable materials we will reference:
Here are links to information on
- Spaced Practice:
- Retrieval Practice:
They also have a podcast named The Learning Scientists. You are welcome to subscribe, and I will generally link directly to episodes that cover the topics we’re looking at.
- Spaced Practice Podcast:
- Retrieval Practice Podcast:
- Spaced Retrieval Podcast:
HTML Basic Page and Tools: Text Editors
We are going to do an in-class session where we create a basic HTML page. As we learn about the page structure we will also learn more about how to use your text editor. I will focus on Brackets today and also try to add some help for those using Sublme Text.
The goal is to create a very basic site structure with the following:
- folder for the project
- index.html file
- css folder
- main.css file in the css folder
- img folder
- js folder
We will look at how to add extensions to Brackets.
and Sublime Text
This is a powerful extension that is available in Brackets, Atom, Sublime Text and more. We will use it to help write HTML.
Today we will start talking about responsive design. We are not going to get too deep into graphic/web design concepts but look at it from a high level.
Responsive checker
A quick way to see if a site is responsive is to put the URL into this page:
We will pair up and each pair is responsible for finding an example responsive site that is NOT made by one of the large tech companies (apple/google/facebook/amazon/Microsoft/samsung/twitter/instagram).
Boxes and Layout
We will look at how to break down the layout of these pages using boxes. Then we will look at translating those to HTML.