“Crowdsourcing is a term used to describe the process of getting work or funding from a large group of people in an online setting. The basic concept behind this term is to use a large group of people for their skills, ideas and participation to generate content or help facilitate the creation of content or products.
In a sense, crowdsourcing is the distribution of problem solving. If a company needs funding for a project, marketing content for an upcoming campaign or even research for a new product, the crowd is a powerful resource capable of generating vast amounts of money, content and information.”
– “What is Crowdsourcing?” by Ryan Goodrich for Business News Daily
Kickstarter is a platform purely dedicated to crowdfunding projects.
“The Johnny Cash Project” generated a music video for Johnny Cash’s “Ain’t no Grave” by asking individual users to draw one frame of the video through an interactive website equipped with a drawing app.