Come learn about Titmouse and what they seek in applicants with:
Ellen Su, Head of Artistic Recruiting
Monday, February 5, 2024 at 11:00am–12:00pm on Zoom
Register here: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkdu6srj8jGtwWABT9VV28_nAYkxTv7jNl
Titmouse is an independent award-winning animation production company, with three studio locations in Los Angeles, New York City, and Vancouver. Titmouse employs over 700 of the most talented people in the industry (that are guaranteed 100% human). Writers, producers, directors, storyboard artists, animators, compositors and editors are all right here, in house. Our state‐of‐the‐art sound studio is where many of our original TV shows, films, commercial work, branded and digital content are recorded. We even have very fancy edit bays where our very fancy editors put the finishing touches on your very fancy cartoons.
All CUNY students, faculty and staff are welcome.
Email Professor Robert Thill at rthill@bmcc.cuny.edu with any questions.