I was surprised by this assessment. I was not aware of the personality test and surprisingly is very accurate. I am a very assertive young man. I am very confident. My mom taught my sister and me to be assertive and not let other steps on us. I can always get my point across without upsetting others or being rude. I can stand up for myself respectfully and honestly, not everyone can do that. Being assertive can help us a lot in today’s world. This trait of my personality can go as simple as asking a question to a teacher or as far to ask for a promotion at my job.
The second highest trait of my personality was ‘Energy’ I am very observant and super practical. I focus on what’s happening today and not on what already happened. I love how being intuitive does not exactly mean a lack of imagination. I love focusing beyond the view and looking at life beyond everyday ideas.
My girlfriend always mentions to me how I am very rational and I prioritize logic with everything even when it comes to buying the simplest thing. Thinking always comes before feeling, sometimes this can be very annoying in a relationship and make your partner think that you do not care or love them and that’s not true. Is just the way your brain is programmed.
My sister will agree that I am most of the time judging and never collaborating. I am very particular about things, but she loves to jump and learn things in the process and gets proud. While I learn and research so much to the point, where it gets boring and I do not even want to try anything.
I will have to disagree with the ‘mind’. I am not an introvert. I am an extrovert. I love doing things with others, I am always seeking for this to do outside of my comfort zone. I go on trips with a lot of friends and is not draining to me. I know many people who can be introverted and can’t do two social activities.
The assigned strength of my personality is assertiveness and observant. I see these two traits showing in my life every single day. Like I have mentioned in the past, I am very confident in what I say or I do. I also observe a lot in my surroundings.
I do not think personality tests are effective to determine if a candidate is good for a position. Because let’s say the person miss understood the question and just picked a random answer, or the person did good and is not qualify for the position. The quality of the personality test is not accurate, yes sure is cool to know or to do for a class but not to determine your career or position.