Course: Multimedia Programming 100 – Introduction to Multimedia


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    • #557

      Jaquail Cowan

      If you don’t know who Joe Rogan is, he’s most known for being the host of Fear Factor, or in 2019, getting high on his podcast and talking about the flat Earth conspiracy theory.
      Sidebar watch the flat earth documentary,”Behind the Curve”, on Netflix great stuff. Anyway, he’s also a comedian that had a feud with Carlos Mencia a while back over stolen material.
      Joe Rogan was outing this man on stage at a comedy club for ten mins and I have never felt happier about a public shaming. In the end it ruined Carlos’ career, but if he wanted to have a prosperous one,
      he shouldn’t have stolen the jokes of multiple comedians. This is why I love the #FuckFuckJerry movement. Plagiarism in today’s world, just like in Joe’s world on February 10th, 2007, has absolutely no place.
      To steal jokes that writers and other creatives toiled to make takes zero skill, so to see Instagram pages steal content and get paid off of it is maddening.

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