Course: GWS 100-1300 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies, Prof. Hollis Glaser Fall 2023

neglectful doctors during childbirth

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    • #20016

      Beatrice C clarke

      Prejudice in the Labor Room


      After reading this article about the different experiences that this woman faced because of just wanting to give birth to her child is the very reason this is not a common thing in the African-American community. I believe that the awareness of this issue has not reached its full potential and or if it is more verbalized in these areas where this is faced, I know personally know people including myself that have had this happen and it builds trauma within a woman that can even last beyond her birthing years and can cause some mental anguish in ever wanting to produce a child again. Her story seems like it could have been avoided however I believe that hospital environments can make a rather eerie and “gothic” atmosphere for patients and guests so knowing that these doctors willfully neglected and dismissed her pain because there is still that natural “myth” they can bear “more pain” thus whenever a marginalized woman is in sheer pain out of discomfort whether that is mental or physical elements it is hardly dismissed and that in my opinion should be grounds for a suspension in medicine because if your ultimate goal is not the safety of your patients also to make sure that they are as comfortable especially pregnancy which is a burden to women as is but to add insult to their equation by being dismissive about pain or neglect their diagnosis is pure evil. There needs to be accountability for doctor nurses and practices that practice these types of illegal and harsh medical genocides on their patients.

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