Religious Discrimination /gender/race.


I believe people people who are religious and are in the LGBTQIA, people of race should be treated with respect and should be treated equally so Why do people who are in a religious group and only follow the rules of their religion get mistreated just because they grew up learning it therefore what I mean by learning is that in their household that's all they were taught to be in the religion that their whole family supports. However the reason I say this is because in one of the articles I have read it gave us an example which was ‘’ if someone is wearing a hijab people will tend to pick on them because they don’t know the actually story on why they wear a hijab which can be offense towards the ones who wear it to express themselves .Therefore, I believe that those who have religious beliefs should be treated with respect and if you do not agree with their religious beliefs then ignoring it does not concern you. However, more evidence to support my claim is another article I read which said there should be a law to protect those who are religious because they should be targeted or harassed and therefore speaking on how everyone should be treated equally and give those who are religious. The benefit of sources that will help them in court is because they should be able to fight back and use their voices. However like I said before, everyone should be have the same amount of respect and understanding and the reason I say this because I was reading an article which took place in France and how they would do these things like have percentage of people who were a different race or gender or region and how they would decline to help those because of that and that too me made me upset because if you are a doctor your job is to help those in seek for help so what gives them the right to say no I won't be taking in this patient. Therefore, I believe that can be dangerous because what if that person is suffering with an illness and they aren't ready to leave the world yet so they want to find a way to cure their illness and see if they can get treatment and you decline to see them now if they die it's on your hands because they went to you to find help and you as the doctor who in a healthcare department you mistreated them because of whatever you believe in , which I think is unprofessional because you need to help guild them but you instead decide to not take them in because of their religion beliefs and gender, race
However the opposing viewpoint is that They're different because of your gender, and you think differently because of your religion therefore there was an article speaking on people who are Republicans saying that they believe that if you were assigned a sex at birth you should not stay that sex and they were speaking on how the Society is has gone to far with Accepting people who want to change their gender.due to their sexuality .Therefore in the article i was reading was speaking on how much Religion is affecting the society for example they were giving us numbers on how much Religion's influence on American politics . For example jewish groups have 23 % , Muslim groups have 35% and the others range from 23-30 which shows us that it's too much . Therefore to add on the article was speaking on theInfluence religion has on Donald Trump,The Supreme Court,most members of the congress which is the rage of 26-38.

However my idea on this whole thing is I believe that people who are in a religion should be able to express themselves because why do they deserve to be treated like they are not worth anything and how would that affect human rights and freedom of speech. They should be able to use their voice and not feel like they are different from other people and people should mind their own business because it should not bother them. Those people were raised in that culture and belief. and people who are a different race should be treated equally and not be looked differently because of their skin tone. The same with people who like the same gender or want to be a different gender it's not their interested in you so they should leave them alone and let be free to do whatever they want, and I believe that personally for me everyone should not have the fear of being hate crime or killed or either catcalled by men who respectful can't keep it in their pants and just say things that came in their mind without knowing that it can make people uncomfortable . However, I do not like seeing people on the news get killed or beaten up for no reason because of people in this world who are just so hateful, and they have no reason behind it, and I do not want to say it is because of how they were raised but sometimes it is because of that. People who do hate crimes, felonies, murders, abusers were raised poorly but it is not only the parents but people you are around too that can be bad influencers.
Nevertheless, I would like to add on people who died that were in the LGBTQIA who were identified as transgender kylie Monali she was 41 trans women who died because her cellmate killed her on September 7, 2022. another case is a women named Caelee love-light she was a 27-year-old Latin, and she was killed in Phoenix, Arizona December 17, 2022. Daniel Aston, a 28-year-old transgender man that was killed in the Club Q mass shooting in Colorado Springs on November 20, 2022. I believe that all these people who have lost their lives for no reason it is upsetting that people die because of either being killed or being targeted at, mind you these people have family so people lost their loved ones because of other people wrong actions. And not only that most of these killings happened last year so many people who were transgender or just in the LGBTQIA in general died because people just could not understand the fact that this is a new world were people are into different genders or same gender and that should not be crime to be into someone of the same sex.
Now for people who were black that were killed by either police officers or just in shootings the first one we have Daunte wright who was only 20 when he was killed in 2021 Daunte was in the car with his girlfriend and wright was stopped by the police officers for traffic violence , police tried to detain him for an outstanding warrant and when he was resisting and try to go back to his call an officer named Kim potter shot him as he was just trying to go in his car and the police said that she meant to take a taser out and not a gun and she was charged with second degree murder . Another victim we have is André hill he was 47-year-old black man who was just emerged from a garage and holding up cell phone in his left hand, office Adam coy shot André hill and handcuff him and he way lay on the ground for five minutes and 11 seconds till he was dead and officer Adam coy was fired hours after. Another case is George Floyed he was 46 and was killed because of an allegedly tried to use a countified 20$ bill and he was handcuffed to the ground by an officers named Derek Chauvin put his neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds and he would not let go of his knee on his neck even when he became unresponsive and two autopsy reports listed Floyed listed death as homicide. Therefore, all officers were fired, and officer Chauvin was arrested April 20, 2021, for second- and third-degree murder. And another victim was Stephon Clark, and he was only 22 years old, and he was standing in his grandmother's backyard and cops thought he had a gun and shot him 20 times, mind you he was only holding a cellphone.
Therefore, in my conclusion these people who have died were just human beings just trying to make a living and survive in this chaotic society and most of them had partners and children so now people have lost either their parents or son or daughter which is upsetting. That is why I believe everyone should be treated equally because even if you have different opinions on what side you like or hate you should not be treated with injustice.

ciara cintron

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