Next, create your own argument about this topic. Use evidence from all 2 (or 3 if you wish) sources. For example, you could argue that money doesn’t guarantee happiness Or you could agree/ disagree with one of the authors, restate their premises, and add your own premises.
I believe that money does not guarantee happiness Because when you are given a lot of money, you don't know what to do with it and it becomes overwhelming. Therefore, I think that it's not worth letting money ruin your happiness and satisfaction. Because sometimes when people are given a lot of money, they could be Humble And help people that need help, or they could be greedy. However I have evidence that stake, What I mean is from the video he speaks the truth about the secret to happiness and he says ‘’ secret to happiness is low expectations, but setting isn’t a bad thing When you are dissatisfied and you ask who's responsible, the answer is clear The world is responsible.’’
I believe what he is trying to say. You need low expectations because when you say elevated expectations to what you believe money will do for you is not what it will do. It is going to be overwhelming, stressful and make you feel that You are not happy anymore. And the reason I say you are not happy anymore is because when you have so much money you do not know what to do with it. And then sometimes people tend to use you because of your money and not because of who you are as a person and that could be the reality of having so much money. An example is I am going to use celebrities. People become celebrities because of their talent and passion, but the reality of becoming a celebrity is not only do you have a lot of money and fans do not have privacy anymore. you get hate comments and death threats people spreading rumors. You cannot go outside and be a regular person and hang out with your friends without someone following you, taking pictures and posting you online. Just because you have a lot of money and that you are a celebrity does not mean that they also cannot be treated like regular human beings with privacy and respect. Which can cause celebrities to be unsatisfied with their future. because who would have thought that becoming famous Because of their talent and passion for whatever they Success in. Would turn into a disaster and it could be hard for celebrities. Because. They cannot be who they were before becoming famous. They must become a newer version and make sure they do not get canceled or do anything inappropriate. Because the minute you do something inappropriate social media is going to find out, and it is going to ruin you. Career.
You cannot be in a relationship because if you want to be in a private relationship, there is no such thing as privacy. People are going to find out either way, and that is upsetting. That they are treated like they are not. Human beings. Fans. Suffocating you at the airports when you arrive. Some fans are being stalkers and weird and making celebrities uncomfortable. That is the reality of being famous. It is not about having money and being successful in life. There are also consequences to it. Therefore, to add on to what the secret to happiness is. There really is no secret. You just need to have low expectations because when you set grand expectations for what you believe the future is going to be like for you, it is not going to be like that. It is not a fantasy world. You must work for it. You must suffer to be happy again.
However, in the article money and happiness does the prefect salary exist
One example. From that article ‘’we are human, and we struggle with essential issues like what is the meaning of life and who am I? ’Therefore, what they are trying to say is People always tend to struggle. There is no such thing as happiness because we must work to be happy. People Get depressed and go through tough traumatic situations that can affect them when they get older.
It can make them start to rethink their life choices and why they were brought into the world if there are consequences and suffering that goes with it. And it sucks That this is what life is we go through. Ups and downs and we must fight hard to be happy and healthy and heal from situations that made us who we are now. So, the question that we ask ourselves every day is who am I? And why am I here? And that's the question that most of us don’t know the answer to. However, that's why I agree with the video and article because They're telling us that we should not have high expectations and that we should know that. Money comes with it Consequences. You are not given money to spend it and be happy. You also must do what everybody else does, pay rent, buy food, buy clothes. All these other things that other people do you need to do, even if you have the money for it. It doesn't matter. You're still a person who must take responsibility.
The second example that was given in the article that caught my eye was that they said.’’ Studies suggest that when we feel like we can't maintain the same standards of living as our Peers. It makes us unhappy.’’ I believe That They were talking about money and how People that don't have that much money get to live a life and just have fun. But people that do have money Can't really do that because. They don't feel. Like what money can do for them isn't satisfying them. It's not making them happy Because even though people do want money, and a lot of it when you are given that money. It's not worth it anymore Because you don't know what to do with it. And it can be stressful. Another example that caught my eye from the article was if ‘’ Studies have pinpointed as salary that people need for happiness Looked at why money doesn't make us happy as we expected.’’ and to add on to that, I believe that Money isn't A prize-winning award. You must work for it and sometimes it could be worth Working for but at the same time, is it worth it? Losing Your happiness. And being who you were before because the minute you get money. You could get really greedy. And. I think that's why people. Are unsatisfied with it because. They aren't who they used to be. They start to look down on people and that's not what they want to do Because that person that they're looking down on could have been them a year ago and then looked at them. Now being famous and successful.
in conclusion, I believe that money does not guarantee happiness because when you are given a lot of money, your happiness goes away with it. Because the minute you get money You are not the same person you were before, because then you start to spend it on useless things, and you start to become petty and selfish. And that's not the person you were before you got the money. You were somebody who was humble and respectful. That's why I believe that money does not guarantee happiness It's just guaranteed. Unsatisfaction and. Loneliness.
restate their premises and add your own premises.
1-’’ Life is a matter of choice’’- tedtalk video
2-’’ choice is who not when’’-tedtalk video
3- There's is no excuse for failure and so when people make decisions even though the result of the decisions are good, they feel disappointed about them, and they blame themselves’’-tedtalk video
Money is at the forefront of people's minds more than ever but how important is money to happiness? The answer is complicated.’’-article
‘’Money affects happiness, which is psychology is defined as both emotional well-being and how satisfied you are with the way your life is going.’’- article
{My own}
‘’Money can play mind games.’’
‘’Money cannot satisfy your loneliness’’
‘’Happiness is more important than losing close friends Due to money and how you changed because of the money that you were given.’’
Ciara Cintron