Demo student is a new tool created by CUNY that enables instructor to “impersonate” a student and interact with the course as a student would. Starting in Winter 2025, the demo student tool will be found under Tools in the course navbar. If you would like to use the tool before then, you can follow these directions to add it to your course navbar.
Please review these detailed instructions about how to customize your course navbar. If you do not already have a custom navbar, you will be prompted to make a copy of the default navbar, which you can then edit. To add Demo Student to the Tools drop-down menu:
- Click on the 3 dots to the right of the navbar and select Edit This Navbar. Click Yes if you are prompted to make a copy of the navbar.
- Click on the “down arrow” next to Tools. You will see a list of links in the Tools drop-down menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the button that says Add Existing Link.
- Scroll down until you see CUNY Demo Student.
- Check the box to the left of CUNY Demo Student and click the Add button.
- Once you have added the link, you can move it to the desired position in the drop-down menu by dragging the 8 dots to the left of CUNY Demo Student.
- Click the Save button to save your custom navbar. You should now see CUNY Demo Student in the Tools drop-down menu. The link will only be visible to you; students will not see the link on their drop-down menu.