PERU Cohort: BreAnne Wheat, Catherine Guitian, Daneisha Ramsey, Fifonsi Lokonon, Gabriela Guayara, Riley Remy, Prof. Tudor Protopopescu, Prof. Van Havercome
Author: Fifonsi Lokonon
Keywords: Peru, Afro-Peruvian, Education, Higher Education

Despite attempts to rectify centuries of injustice against Afro-Peruvians by the Peruvian government, there is still a relative influence of racial and social discrimination on Afro-Peruvians accessing higher education.
In this research, we will be able to identify the barriers to accessing high education for Afro-Peruvian girls. Living as an Afro-Peruvian girl, you will face racial and social origins discrimination, poverty, and pre-teen pregnancy. Afro-Peruvians thus disconnect themselves from the will to succeed and remain stagnant as a community.